This piping plover father was doing his best to keep his chicks safe and warm as they explored the tidal flats. In the photo above, two of his four chicks are nestled in to brood, and the third chick has just arrived. It also wanted to join-in, and tried to figure out how to get under those warm feathers as well.
It seemed to find a comfortable spot alongside its siblings by jamming itself under the wing too.
But then things got even more complicated when the fourth chick arrived.
It too wanted to warm up under the father plover, but there was limited space available for everyone.
The father seems to be going along with things here...
.... but I can't help but interpret this look as the piping plover version of "You've got to be kidding me!"
The dad seemed to sense this was getting a bit out of control and hopped off of his four chicks.
Once free, he then ran off to the warmer dry sand further up the beach and called his chicks to follow and try again.
Shared with Wild Bird Wendesday.