My true passion as a photographer is to try to capture an image of wild animals that can get an emotion to stir within a viewer, and up to this point, I've only posted truly wild animals both on this blog and on my Flickr stream. However, our recent trip to the San Diego Zoo was just too much fun to not share.
Two of the highlights of our zoo trip was to see the pandas and koalas at the San Diego Zoo. These guys were really cute to see in person, and a pleasure to watch. Two pandas were on display while we were there, and there was a live video feed into the den of a baby. The first time we stopped by the exhibit, the pandas were both napping, and while cool to see, it wasn't necessarily a highlight.
However, when we came back a second time one of the bears was up and active, and we got to watch her move around the enclosure and snack on a lot of bamboo.
The koalas were a real treat too! There were a surprising number of them sprinkled throughout the exhibit.