Thursday, October 27, 2011

Guiding the herd, Yellowstone National Park

Photograph of a male pronghorn guiding his herd across the prairie in Yellowstone

While I'm excited to have some new images to share from Massachusetts, I also still have a lot of photos to share from my trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, so it will probably be a mix on the blog for a while. In this shot, the dominant male pronghorn that we saw on a daily basis during our trip is rounding up his herd at sunset, presumably to keep them together overnight.  While the buck was not always right with his harem, he was never far away, and it was interesting to watch their interactions. The females clearly responded to his presence, and on more than one occasion, we saw him gently guide the herd to a different location on the prairie.

View more photos of the fastest animal in North America in my Pronghorn Gallery.


  1. just beautiful, golden light on those fields!

  2. great shot, Pat....hope you are settling into your new home with ease

  3. The late afternoon sun sure made this photo work. Very nice.

  4. a fabulous photograph; lovely colours in there too.

  5. The buttery grass and the two-toned deer make for a wonderful image.

  6. Awesome light for a fantastice shot! I think I personally enjoy images like these more because they have a story to tell. Nice work pat

  7. Superb light Pat. Love the photo.
