Sunday, July 13, 2014

White-crowned sparrow in a sea of wildflowers, Point Reyes National Seashore

White-crowned sparrow in a sea of wildflowers in Point Reyes National Seashore
A white-crowned sparrow perched in the summer wildflowers along the Kehoe Beach Trail in Point Reyes National Seashore.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, the Kehoe Beach Trail is one of my favorite places to look for wildlife hiding in the sea of wildflowers that line the trail. I generally don't target song birds when I'm out looking for wildlife to photograph, mostly because I find it can be rather challenging to get close enough to obtain a bird that is relatively large in the frame and unobstructed by branches and such. However, a setting like this is, in my opinion, a great place to leave a lot of space around the birds. I particularly liked the layering to the wildflowers in this frame, with the white flowers extending on tall stalks above the yellow blooms.

View more photos from the Kehoe Beach area in Point Reyes National Seashore.


  1. Hi Pat, the location is delightful, yellow is so cheery I think and with a wonderful W.C. Sparrow in there too perched nicely - great pickup!

    1. Thanks, Carole! I'm definitely partial to including yellow flowers when it's possible

  2. Very beautiful! Your photo gives a great sense of the depth of flowers and color around the little bird.

    1. Thanks, Mick! I, too, really liked how the tall stalks of the white flowers added a lot of depth to the setting

  3. The photo worksto illustrate your point about small birds hidng in a mass of vegetation. I know exactly how you feel, it happens all the time to me. But you picked the sparrow out really well Pat.

    1. Thanks, Phil! It certainly can take a fair amount of patience to wait for a bird to give you a clear shot in a setting like this -- but its worth it when they finally do
